Forces specific Smart phone Apps  

Veterans Gateway logoVeterans Gateway app – The Veterans’ Gateway app helps veterans find support organisations in their area using their smartphone or tablet. These organisations cover both the Armed Forces sector and wider charity and not-for-profit sectors. Based on your location, you can access the support you need with finances, housing, employment, relationship, physical and mental health, and more.

Mental health support apps

Joining Forces App and The Veterans Mental Health Apps have been developed by a network of NHS Trusts led by South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.

Joining Forces logoJoining Forces App - is designed for Service personnel all over the world and provides tailored information on 11 mental health problems including anxiety, post-traumatic stress and depression, as well as highlighting where to access help. Interactive videos from a lead psychiatrist are also available through the app and outline the signs of mental health problems to encourage personnel to seek advice if they feel they have any of these symptoms. More information from GOV.UK.

Veterans Mental Health logoVeterans Mental Health App – Following the successful launch of the innovative Joining Forces mental health awareness app for serving military personnel, a similar app is now also available for veterans. The Veterans Mental Health App includes help and guidance on key mental conditions, much like the Joining Forces app. It also features videos of veterans telling their own stories. More information from GOV.UK.

SamaritansThe Samaritans Veterans’ app - The Samaritans Veterans app, Out to You, provides UK Military Service Leavers and Veterans with emotional health and wellbeing information, guidance and resources.