Employment support in Lancashire

Lancashire County Council assists all residents when seeking employment. The Council is a Gold Award holder of the Armed Forces Covenant Employer Recognition Scheme and as such, makes a series of commitments to support its employees from the military community and pledges to support the wider military community through its advocacy work. You can find LCC vacancies across a range of sectors HERE.

Ex-service personnel mentoring in schools programme

As part of this ongoing commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant, Lancashire County Council recruits ex-forces personnel to become part of the Ex-Service personnel mentoring in schools programme for secondary schools. The programme recruits once a year and when available the ex-service mentor roles will be advertised through the job search page. Recruitment begins in April each year, but you can email an expression of interest to apprenticeenquiries@lancashire.gov.uk

Skills Bootcamps for ex-forces personnel - Reskill for your next career

Lancashire Skills and Employment HubThe skills that you developed in the forces - teamwork, leadership, communication, commitment, and dedication – are highly valued by employers.  Skills Bootcamps will give you the specific technical skills that you need to develop your career in one of several growing and high-demand sectors.

Skills Bootcamps are intensive courses of up to 16 weeks, designed to fast-track you into a new career or further your existing career.  They are designed with Lancashire-based employers in growing sectors to ensure that you gain in-demand skills.

Lancashire residents can access a range of Skills Bootcamps in growing sectors, from project management in defence and cyber security, to HGV driving and rail track maintenance.  For a full list, please visit the Skills Bootcamps website

You will be supported to break into your chosen sector, such as through employer talks to give you a flavour of the work environment, sector-specific application and CV building support, and real-life projects for you to practice on.

Upon completion you will be offered a guaranteed job interview with a local employer.

Skills Bootcamps are fully-funded for individuals by the Department for Education.  Businesses wishing to place their staff on a Skills Bootcamp will be asked to make a modest contribution towards the cost.

Visit the Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub website to find out more about Skills Bootcamps, including eligibility and those starting soon.