Information for parents

Our offer for young people

We are part of the Children and Family Wellbeing Service which enables children and families to access appropriate support on a wide range of issues as early as possible in order to help them to achieve a good quality of life and facilitate positive ongoing life changes.

Young people can access our services across Lancashire in various locations which includes a network of Youth Zones and Young People’s Centres. Our centres offer a safe place for young people to go to meet friends and take part in varied group activities or life skills sessions.

You can be confident that our staff are well-trained and hold professional qualifications in youth work, information, advice, guidance and social care.

Our services are confidential however the safety and protection of children and young people is our main priority.

More information

For more information about what Lancashire County Council can offer your children, please have a look at our Children, education and families page.

If you prefer you can get in touch with us for information and advice about issues your children may face.


As a parent/guardian you should accept full responsibility for your children's safety and quality of experience when acting on any information contained within this site.  You should check that you are happy with the activity/session and provider before your child attends.  We recommend that you contact the organiser to discuss child protection policies, insurance cover and suitability of their employees.

Keeping your children safe online

It is important that your children are kept safe online.  For more information on this, check out the following websites:
