Setting up a new out of school club


Lancashire County Council offer pre-registration and business support packages to meet your needs and ensure you receive all the help and guidance you need in developing a new out of school provision. This support is suitable for private individuals and organisations.  

Information regarding out of school provision and the requirements you must meet (Gov.UK).

Packages of support - The packages have been designed so you can buy the appropriate type of support that you need. There are 6 different packages of support, 2 are to help you set up a high-quality provision and 4 packages of support to the business side of your setting.

The type of package you choose will be dependent on a number of factors such as your previous experience in childcare/ business knowledge and the complexity of the project you are proposing to develop. It will also depend on the age of the children who will attend and whether you are required to register with Ofsted or not.  So that we can advise you on the most suitable package to meet your needs we recommend you book a free 30-minute consultation to discuss your project and work out which package/s would be most suitable to meet your needs.

Please contact us at to arrange your free consultation.

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