Archives searchroom rules

Lancashire’s archives are unique and irreplaceable. Many are already hundreds of years old and will only continue to survive if they are handled with care. By observing these rules in our Searchroom you are helping to preserve Lancashire’s written heritage.

When you arrive at Lancashire Archives you must:

  • show a valid Archives Card if you have one or register if you do not. Find out more
  • leave coats, bags, folders and all personal belongings in one of the lockers provided
  • switch off your mobile phone while you are in the Searchroom

When you are using books and documents you must:

  • use only pencil: please do not use pens, scissors, erasers, correcting fluid or Post-it notes
  • handle all items with care and as directed by staff
  • never mark books or documents in any way
  • use the protective coverings and supports which we provide
  • take care not to lean on books or documents
  • keep all documents in the order in which they are given to you; if an item seems to be out of place or is damaged please tell a member of staff
  • ask a member of staff if you would like to use your own computer, camera or other equipment in the Searchroom
  • ask a member of staff if you would like a photocopy or photograph of an item, would like to trace a map or take your own photographs
  • ask a member of staff if you intend to publish or reproduce any item.
  • remember it is illegal for us to supply you with more than one copy of a document in copyright

When you leave the Searchroom you must:

  • return all archives to the Document Issue and Return point before you leave
  • do not remove any book or document from the Searchroom
  • collect your Archives Card before leaving

At all times please note that:

  • you may not smoke anywhere in the building or in the area immediately outside
  • you may not take any kind of food or drink, including chewing gum or throat pastilles, into the Searchroom. We provide a refreshment area where you may eat and drink.
  • you should treat members of staff and other visitors with courtesy and consideration
  • you are welcome to discuss your research in the refreshment area
  • children of primary school age or younger should be accompanied by an adult

Visitors failing to observe these rules or acting in a disruptive or unreasonable manner will be asked to leave the building. They may be excluded until they satisfy the Archives Service Manager that they will in future comply with the Rules and behave in a reasonable manner.  For example, rudeness or harassment of members of staff or other members of the public, intoxication, use of violent, abusive or obscene language would constitute unreasonable behaviour. Anyone excluded from Lancashire Archives under these Rules may appeal against the exclusion by applying in writing to the Chief Executive of Lancashire County Council.

Data collected by Lancashire Archives is protected under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998 and will not be used for any unspecified purpose.  Lancashire County Council is the Data Controller and the nominated representative is the Data Protection Officer.