Corporate strategy

We are helping you to make Lancashire the best place to live, work, visit and prosper.

Communications strategy 2021-25

How Lancashire County Council communicates is key to realising our vision for Lancashire as the best place to live, work, visit and prosper.

Community safety

Community safety agreement, strategic assessment and partnership plans .

Data strategy 2022-2024

Making better use of data to drive out efficiencies, improve transparency and support decision making going forward. (PDF 1.28 MB)

Digital First strategy 2019-2024

How Lancashire County Council intends to deliver sustainable digital services to the public.

Economic Strategy 2023 – 2025

Providing the stimulus for constructive dialogue and the development of shared priorities for action, in conjunction with public and private sector leaders.

Emergency planning

Contingency planning, emergency and business continuity plans.

Treasury management strategy

Policies, objectives and approach to risk management of our treasury management activities

Consumer protection

Consumer advice and enforcement policies.

Annual pay policy statement

Pay policy statement for issues relating to the pay of the workforce.

Lancashire County Council productivity plan - July 2024

Setting out our approach to improving performance, transforming services, and reducing wasteful expenditure.