Lancashire Alternative Provision Strategy 2023 – 2026

Our vision, approach and delivery of alternative provision.

Lancashire Education Strategy 2022-2025

Our vision and priorities for education in Lancashire.

Lancashire Multi-Agency Neglect Strategy 2022–2024

An overarching view of the response to neglect in Lancashire.

Children and Young People’s Participation Strategy

How we will make sure that children and young people are actively involved, listened to and able to influence the decisions that affect them.

Consultation on school admission policies

Find out if any changes are proposed for the schools and sixth forms in your area and how to comment on the changes.

School transport policies

Policy for providing free home to school transport and post 16 transport to education and training policy statement.

Fair access protocols

The principles by which children without a school place are found one as quickly as possible.

School place provision strategy

Strategy for the provision of school places.

Corporate Parenting Strategy 2022 – 2026

Our ambition to ensure the children we look after as corporate parents have what they need to live the happy and fulfilling life they deserve.

Sharing the Costs Policy

Charging policy for children looked after and cared for in residential placements under section 20 of the children act 1989. (PDF 475 KB)

Family and friends care policy

Information about local services and policies to help family and friends carers (PDF 115 KB)

Adoption Lancashire & Blackpool - Statement of purpose

Aims and objectives of the adoption service (external link to Adoption Lancashire & Blackpool website)

Fostering statement of purpose 2020-22

Aims and objectives of the fostering service (PDF 364 KB)

Children looked after sufficiency strategy 2021 to 2024

Updated April 2023. How we intend to meet the sufficiency duty for the children we look after, improve the quality and choice of placements and minimise the likelihood of suitable placements not being available locally (PDF 716 KB)

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) Strategy and funding

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) strategies and commissioning arrangements.