Company Member Cabinet Committee

This section contains the following information about the Company Member Cabinet Committee:


a) To undertake the functions of the Cabinet in relation to the Council's role as member or shareholder in Lancashire County Council's wholly or partly owned companies, including:

(i) To ensure that the duties of the responsibilities of the County Council are appropriately discharged; and

(ii) To manage the overall relationship with those companies.

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b) The Committee shall comprise five county councillors – two Cabinet Members, two co-opted members determined by the Council's administration and one co-opted member determined by the largest opposition group. No members of the Committee can serve as directors on any partly owned or wholly owned company of which the Council is a member or shareholder.

c) The quorum shall be two voting county councillors at the time of the meeting. For the avoidance of doubt, only the two Cabinet Members appointed have the right to vote.

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Terms of Reference

d) Exercise Executive decision making functions in relation to all member or shareholder matters relating to companies in which the County Council has an interest.

e) Receive Annual Reports and Annual Accounts from such companies.

f) Provide an articulation of what success looks like in terms of achieving social outcomes and/or a return on investment in each of the companies.

g) Engage as appropriate with the strategic business planning process of the companies.

h) Evaluate the effectiveness of the company boards and the delivery of the company performance against strategic objectives and the business plan.

i) Provide financial oversight of the companies.

j) Approve any borrowing or loans undertaken by the companies in line with the Council’s decision-making criteria.

k) Provide the necessary oversight from a company member/shareholder’s perspective that the governance arrangements, policies and boundaries that the Council has established are being adhered to.

l) Provide a holistic review of risk to the Council offered by the companies.

m) Approve the establishment or disestablishment of any companies or their subsidiaries.

n) Periodically review whether each entity provides the most effective vehicle to deliver the outcomes required and whether there are viable alternative models which might offer a more effective means of delivering priorities.

o) Review and monitor (as appropriate) company member/shareholder/management agreements.

p) Require as appropriate the attendance of the Chair, Chief Executive, Managing Director or other relevant representative of any of the companies at any meeting where the affairs of that company are considered.

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