Section A: General and Introduction

In this section:

Interpretation and Definitions


These Standing Orders are the rules which apply to the proceedings of committees and decision making at the Council.


These Standing Orders have five Sections:

a) General and Introduction;

b) Full Council Procedural Standing Orders;

c) Cabinet and Cabinet Committee Procedural Standing Orders;

d) Committee Procedural Standing Orders; and

e) Overview and Scrutiny Procedural Standing Orders.


References in these Standing Orders to the Chair of the Council, Leader or Chair of a committee, include the appointed Vice-Chair of the Council or Deputy Chair or any other member acting at a meeting in their absence.


These Standing Orders should be read in conjunction with the rest of the Council's Constitution, including:

a) Terms of Reference;

b) Schemes of Delegation;

c) Procurement Rules (Contract Standing Orders) and Financial Rules;

d) Ethical Framework i.e. Code of Conduct, Development Control Good Practice; and

e) Members' Allowance Scheme.


References in these Standing Orders to motions include reference to amendments where appropriate.


Unless specified, reference in these Standing Orders to a "member" of a committee shall refer to any member of a committee, including non-voting and co-opted members.


At a meeting the interpretation and application of these Standing Orders lies with the Chair. The Monitoring Officer shall advise the Chair as necessary and shall be responsible for ruling on the interpretation and application of these Standing Orders in between meetings. The ruling of the Chair or Monitoring Officer is final.


References in these Standing Orders to requirements to make submissions or requests in writing shall include emails, as long as the email is from the councillors' own Lancashire County Council provided email account. When making submissions or requests using email, these should be sent to


References in these Standing Orders to other relevant Standing Orders shall refer to the relevant paragraph in the same Section, unless otherwise stated.

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Councillors' General Conduct at Meetings


All councillors shall:

a) Respect the Chair at all times;

b) Adhere to the Member's Code of Conduct when attending a meeting;

c) Recognise and acknowledge that they are personally responsible for their own conduct and have a responsibility to secure and promote good conduct on the part of all councillors and of their political group; and

d) Exercise a reasonable degree of self-control in their conduct and behaviour at meetings and shall not make a personal attack on any other councillor or Officer.


The Chair of a meeting shall:

a) Act to maintain order, and may require a member acting in breach of the above to apologise;

b) At all times act impartially, fairly and honestly in upholding these standing orders and ensuring the smooth running of Council meetings; and

c) Explain rulings and decisions if invited to do so by a councillor in a meeting.

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