Special leave policy

(Updated 23.05.11)

1. Purpose

This policy sets out Lancashire County Council's special leave provisions and the arrangements for submitting requests. The authority to approve special leave is delegated to Heads of Service.

2. Scope

The policy applies to all employees of the County Council excluding:

  • Teachers and other employees in delegated schools in respect of whom the Governors have statutory employment responsibilities.
  • Teachers in centrally managed services.

3. Special leave provisions

Special leave with pay

This is a provision that allows employees to take paid time off work to deal with situations, usually of an emergency or unforeseen nature.

Up to a maximum of six days' special leave with pay may be granted in any one year.

Special leave without pay

This is a provision that allows employees to take unpaid leave, up to a maximum of three months in any one leave year, to deal with a variety of situations.

Special leave for care of dependants 

Employees also have a right to reasonable unpaid time off during working hours in order to care or provide assistance to dependants.    

4. Request procedure

The employee should determine the type of special leave they feel is appropriate in the circumstances and submit the request to their manager via the recognised procedure.

5. Considering request

Each request should be considered on an individual basis.  What is considered appropriate should be determined, taking into account the full circumstances of the case and reason for the request.