Art, Design and Technology

Art and Mathematics - Mutual Enrichment

This article describes some of the work on tessellations by Roger Penrose and by the Maurits Escher who was inspired by the mathematical influences in the Islamic art he saw in Spain. It also explains how LOGO can be used to draw Penrose tilings. Click on the icon to link to the article,

This article gives some history of tessellating patterns

Links to paper showing interesting examples of tessellation in building and nature.

This webpage introduces some of the occurrences of the Fibonacci series and the Golden Ratio in architecture, art and music.
This website contains a wealth of information about liking/ incorporating maths and art.
Examples of the use of the golden rectangle in art.
Greg Egan's animated mathematical art

This site outlines how, for thousands of years, Native Americans and people from other cultures, have used geometry to produce patterns.