Lancashire SEND Plan 2021-2025

2. Foreword from our leaders

As local leaders, we are delighted to introduce the Lancashire Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) Plan for 2021-2025 on behalf of the Lancashire SEND Partnership.

Our refreshed plan has grown from the collective voices of our SEND partnership and SEND community. It provides direction and challenge to enable positive outcomes for children and young people so that they can prepare for life as an adult. The Plan will be delivered through a number of actions that will be reviewed annually alongside feedback we receive on the impact of changes and improvements and on our performance. As a result we may change and adapt those actions.

Since the initial inspection of our SEND services across education, health and care in November 2017 we are better at using data and feedback to understand our SEND population and their lived experience. This means we are better able to improve existing services and to jointly commission the right services. We continue to improve the way that we work, the services we deliver, and the support we provide across our SEND community. Despite the changes we have made over the last few years, we recognise that there is more work to do so that we achieve our vision.

Although working through the pandemic has seen unprecedented times, the SEND Partnership was able to maintain services, and learned new things, whilst also strengthening the ways we together.

The Lancashire SEND Plan 2021-25 supports our continuing growth as a partnership, with children and young people and their families at the centre of all that we do. It sets out our vision, priorities and ways of working, ensuring that the voices of children and young people and their families are heard as we reshape services to meet local needs.

Our partnership across education, health and care, and with the Children and Young People’s SEND Board and Lancashire Parent Carer Forum, has strengthened over recent years, and we continue to improve the ways we work together, recognising that we cannot achieve our vision in isolation.

Julie Higgins Chair of Lancashire SEND Partnership

Edwina Grant Vice Chair of Lancashire SEND Partnership

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