Break Time short break activities

Registration for Break Time activities

We have reopened registration for Break Time for families who have not yet registered for the current year (2024/25). If you are already registered for Break Time for 2024/25 you do not need to do anything, please continue to book as normal – we will let you know when to re-register.

5. Using and tracking your Break Time hours

Your child or young person can use their 78 Break Time hours at any time in the year between 1 April and 31 March (subject to eligibility and availability of groups and activities). 

Children and young people can use their hours with one provider or split them between two providers. 

Hours can be used over holiday periods or during term time or a combination of both. 

To help you keep track of how many Break Time hours you've booked, we'll send you a Break Time hours tracker with your acceptance letter.

You can also download this as spreadsheet below:

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Lancashire Short Break Services Statement

Information about the short breaks services available to meet the needs of children and young people aged 0 to 18 years with additional needs and/or disabilities.