Our Vision

Corporate strategy

Here at Lancashire County Council we are helping you to make Lancashire the best place to live, work, visit and prosper.

We want Lancashire to be the county people choose to create a home, raise their children, develop a career and grow old in. We are committed to developing and celebrating our diverse communities, heritage and landscape to create a strong sense of place we can all be proud of.

In Lancashire we listen to what our people want which puts them at the heart of everything we do, and while we celebrate our successes we take the time to learn from the past so our county continues to thrive.

The role of the county council in delivering our vision will change over the next few years. We will work more closely with partners to help people to anticipate their own needs and take greater responsibility for themselves and their communities.

As we move forward from the financial challenges we have faced in recent years, we will build a new future for Lancashire.

We will embrace the opportunities and challenges that BREXIT brings and continue to focus on delivering our most vital services as we navigate the road to recovery following the Covid-19 pandemic. We now seek out innovative ways to identify opportunities, such as digital and online technology, to deliver real benefits for everybody at best cost.

Our key objectives

We have built our strategy around five key objectives:

Lancashire will be the place to live

Lancashire is a county of diverse communities. It is a place where people are valued and will feel able to have their say. It will be a county where housing meets the needs of all ages, where people are safe and feel safe, surrounded by clean, green spaces where everyone can enjoy a good quality of life and be happy.

Lancashire will be the place to work

Lancashire will be a county that supports a flexible and inclusive labour market, where skills development is championed and where talented individuals choose to live and work.

Lancashire will be the place to prosper

Lancashire will be a county that promotes strong economic growth in both urban and rural economies. It will be a county that actively boosts productivity and prosperity for everyone.

Lancashire will be the place to visit

Lancashire is a beautiful county with a wealth of culture. From green fields and rolling hills to coastal towns and country villages – Lancashire really does have it all as a place for people to enjoy.

Lancashire will be the place where everyone acts responsibly

The county council will work closely with our partners to enable people in Lancashire to develop and thrive. We will listen to the needs of people and work with our partners and communities to empower them to meet their own needs. We will help people to look after themselves and help them to provide care and support to their families, friends, neighbours and colleagues.

Our vision for Lancashire

Read our corporate strategy (PDF 6MB)